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Some groups of letters within words make those words harder to spell. This spelling book groups those words. You learn to spell harder words by reading, saying and typing those words together,
To find a group of letters in this spelling book, scroll down and look for them alphabetically or find them with a text editor. Groups are not listed in strict alphabetical order because some relate to other groups.
Read, say and write or type the words in the lists. That is learning with vision, hearing and touch.
A - Sounds like "o": swan what yacht swallow bird gulp aquatic scallop swat swab wad waddle waffle wallow avant guarde
Sounds like "u": sofa yoga aroma saga schema saliva siesta sigma sierra sepia silica larva piazza place mama pica soda papa zebra spa phobia rumba soya bean peninsula aloha mica whoa omega viva asthma plasma rotunda aurora plaza stamina balsa puma stanza banana cantata strata camera tapioca enigma china trauma era cicada tuba fiesta cinema tuna flora cobra ultra fauna cocoa via fuchsia gala vista manila gamma vodka media hula raja diploma hydra retina dogma opera coda drama pagoda cola junta pasha coma koala persona comma lama quota
ABLE - honourable agreeable alienable creditable delectable demonstrable detestable fashionable gettable habitable indispensable irreparable impassable changeable exchangeable enforceable
Final "e" is kept after "g" and "c" to indicate "j" and "s" sounds.
ADJ - adjacent adjudicator adjective adjunct adjourn adjust It is never "aj". See "ible".
AE - antennae anaemia anaesthesia anaesthetic encyclopaedia aesthetic Caesar Caesarea Caesarean Gaelic faeces haemorrhage
Sometimes "e" is added to a word to form its plural: formulae larvae nebulae
Spellings in this book are those of English in the UK. Spellings in the USA sometimes differ.
AER - aerial aerodrome aeronautical aeroplane aerate
AL - also equal regal mortal abdominal aboriginal singular adj frontal withal battalion loyal alias whimsical legal alcoholic almighty royal pedal bike professional withdrawal vital vertical cubical symmetrical hypocritical principal
ALL - allegedly alleviate alligator allay alluvial alloy ally allergy
ALIA - Australia regalia paraphernalia inter alia
ALLEG - allegation allege allegiance allegorical allegory allegretto allegro
AMPHI - amphitheatre amphibian
ANA - anatomical analogy analogue analogous anaesthetic anaesthesia anal analyse analysis anarchy anachronism anaemia see "ann"
AIR - air airport flair air-conditioning aircraft-carrier airy fair fairly see "are"
AIRE - millionaire questionnaire commissionaire legionnaire doctrinaire
ANCE - ambulance maintenance abeyance repentance acquaintance grievance performance remembrance ignorance riddance
ANEOUS - simultaneous instantaneous extraneous contemporaneous
ANIM - magnanimous unanimity animosity equanimity animal animate
ANN - annual anniversary annals annex annexe room see "enn"
ANT - defendant propellant repellant pendant dependant confidant Those are all nouns. This is an adjective: predominant . see "ent" for adjectives.
AQU - aquatic aqueduct aquarium aqueous see QU
AR - collar burglar burglary burgle beggar cellar grammar circular circular liar lies solar lunar vernacular vulgar singular regular caterpillar pedlar US calendar month but calender machine colander strainer see "er" "or"
When you see a word in this book that you do not know the meaning of or that you know another spelling for, you do not need to look it up in a dictionary or run a spellcheck on it. You can just read, say and write or type it and go on to the next word. This book is to teach you groups of letters, not to define words or give alternative spellings.
Still, here are some typical examples of how spellings in the United Kingdom differ from those in the United States; UK spellings first: -
synchronise ends in ize
draught is draft
colour ends with or
armourer is armorer
manoeuvre ends with er
lodgement is lodgment
haematology starts with hem.
ARCHI - architect architecture archipelago architrave archives but archetype monarchy anarchy
ARE - welfare fare ticket warfare farewell see "air"
ARILY - necessarily temporarily ordinarily arbitrarily primarily see "ily"
ARY - library granary budgetary seminary diary sanctuary necessary glossary secretary dictionary stationary still see "ory"
AU - automatic chauffeur aura aurora automobile autopsy tarpaulin because distraught haughty nought audacity audience au revoir Australia caustic austere audible haunt inauspicious audit taunt slaughter auction gaunt daughter augment daunt fault August launch daub saudi autumn laundry caulking compound vaudeville fraud author haul Paul holocaust auspice auspices gaudy laudable naughty fraught restaurant marauders inaugural auger aught draught gauge baulk see "saurus"
Some words begin with a group of hard letters. As they are already grouped alphabetically in the dictionaries, they can be checked easily. They may be left out of this book.
B - comb lamb crumb numb limb dumb plumb climb womb thumb aplomb succumb bomb dumbfound tomb entomb catacombs jamb door rhumb navigation numbskull dumbbell but rum drink silent "b" after "m" and before "t" debt debtor doubt subtle
Silent letters are listed in this book because they are harder to spell. Many prefixes, suffixes and other groups of letters are not listed here because they are easy.
BALE - bale hay baler bales hay
BAIL - bail jail cricket bailiff bail up out boat bailey wall
Keep groups of letters which sound the same but are spelt differently, in separate lists.
BAS - bass fish bass sound base army immoral foundation chemical
BELL - bell belle embellish belligerent
BENE - benefit benevolent benediction
Always "bene" except for the following three exceptions with "i".
BENI - benign benignant benison
BI - bicycle two bias biennial biannual bicentenary biceps biped binary binocular biplane
BY - by-election by law by path by way byword by-and-by
Beginners who do not know the meaning of a word or are not sure how to say it may still write it down to learn how it looks, or just skip it for now.
C - talc zinc arc disc almanac havoc bivouac mimic frolic panic traffic cubic music public mimic picnic bloc trade Other words end with "ck"”. See SC for silent "c" after "s".
CAPIT - capitulate capital city capitol building per capita capitalist capital gain
CATA - cataclysm catacombs catalogue catalyst catamaran catapult cataract catarrh catastrophe but caterpillar
CALLY - musically metrically but publicly
CAVAL - cavalry cavalier cavalcade
CK - block wood fleck click barrack hammock hillock wedlock
CC - vaccine tobacco zucchini stucco broccoli hiccup saccharin noun saccharine adjective piccaninny Pinocchio accruing accredited raccoon cappuccino accordion accelerate accommodate desiccate accuse occupy succinct accuse occupy succinct acclaim ecclesiastic
CE - celery cereal cellar cement mercenary censor cede ceiling celebrate celebrity celebrate Celsius cellophane cellular celluloid cellulose cemetery cenotaph censor censorious censure centennial centigrade centimetre centipede centre necessary centralise centrifugal centurion century ceramic cerebral ceremony certain certificate cessation "c" sounds like "s" cession yield session see "ci" see SE.
CI - circus cinch citrus citric decision cinema species vicinity atrocity precis prima facie discipline disciple cinder cider cicada cite musician optician cigarette cipher cisco citadel cistern cirrus cinnamon but sissy not cissy see "cy"
CY - cycle cyclical cyclone cyclopedia cyst cyanide cybernetics cygnet cylinder cymbal cynical cypress cynicism See SE.
CEDE - precedent unprecedented precede preceding proceeding procedure recede secede accede intercede antecedent It is always "cede" except for three words ending with "ceed".
CEED - exceed proceed succeed
CH - echo ache anachronism catechism yacht schooner scheme schedule bronchitis choreographer chemist synchronise anarchy hierarchy echelon dichotomy silent "h" or "sh" sound parachute chivalry chauffeur chaperone champaign chassis moustache chamois fuchsia ricocheted choir and "ch" sound kitchen catch chequered career dutch but duchess check but cheque cash
CIDE - decide homicide suicide infanticide
CIS - incisive concise circumcise excision
COUN - count counsel advice counsellor council meeting councillor discount
CONDE - condemn condense condescend see "condi"
CONDI - condiment condign condition Those three words and others based on the word "condition" are spelt with the "i". Other words start with "conde", with the "e".
Beginnings and endings of foreign words are spelt in English in this book, not in the original Latin, French or whatever. See a dictionary for the meanings of prefixes and suffixes.
CRUC - crucial crucify excruciate but crusade cruise
DAMN - damn damnation
DEMN - condemn indemnify indemnity
Some words are added to give meanings for words that look or sound the same.
DES - dessert sweets desert sand abandon punishment describe despair descend design desirable desist despicable despise despite despoil despondent destroy see "dis" "dys"
DIS - dismay dispatch box and send not despatch dispute distil distinct dispel disperse disaster disburse discern disciple discreet tactful discrete distinct discrepancy discriminate disgrace disgust distinguish
DYS - dysentery dyspepsia dysfunction dyslexia dystrophy
DEV - devoted device noun devise verb deviate devastate develop devoid devour devote devout see "div"
DIV - divan divide divulge individual diverse divine dividend divisible divisor divorce
DIC - dice dictionary predict indicate dedicate abdicate dictate dictator edict indict diction predicament dictation predicate dictum
DOMI - predominant dominate domineer dominion
DROME - hippodrome aerodrome dromedary
DUR - during duress duration endure durable see "jur"
DG - dodge budget judge judgement fudge bridge ledge ledger wedge abridgement lodgement acknowledgement but tragedy ageing fragile
DRA - draft prepare sketch bank troops draughtsman worker draught air draughts game
E - nurse nursing tinge tinging argue argument wire wiry die dying dye dying tie tying vie vying
A final "e" is often left out before a suffix; but likelihood size sizeable advantageous mile mileage vengeance acknowledgement singe singeing not singing
EAU - beau plateau plateaus plural bureau beauty tableau tableaux plural chateau chateaus pronounced like "O"
Those plurals can be spelt "eaus" or "eaux".
This book does not give alternative spellings. For example, "colour" is spelt in the UK with the "u"” but in the United States without the "u".
EC - ecstasy eczema ecstatic the only three exceptions, otherwise "ex"
ECT - convection intersection dissect erect insect vivisect inspect respect deflection deflect
ED - See TED for when "ed" is dropped after "t" and "d" for past tense.
EFY - liquefy rarefy putrefy but putrid see "ify"
EX - except exclaim exact exotic expect expanse export extort exist exhibitor extraneous extra external exterior extreme extinct
EER - volunteer auctioneer engineer beer
EL - mantel piece quarrel rebel label jewel diesel sequel counsel barrel hostel duffel chisel kennel cruel citadel channel bushel parallel personnel satchel navel kernel shovel squirrel see "le"
EI - ceiling conceivable The "i" goes before the "e" except after "c" when the "ie" sounds like "ee". That rule does not apply when an "ei" sounds like any other sound: height weight forfeit sleigh freight feign eighth Fahrenheit skein leisure weird abseiling geiger counter vein veil sovereign surveillance heifer foreign theirs reindeer rein but seize seizure atheist reincarnated reissue reiterate see "ie"
ENCE - excellence confidence correspondence obedience innocence absence presence dependence diligence patience occurrence recurrence pestilence violence turbulence opulence consistence sentence reference conference deference inadvertence iridescence convenience defence deterrence patience see "ance"
Every word ending with "ence" that has a version ending with "ency" or "ent" is spelt the same way.
ENCY - frequency dependency
ENT - repellent talent patient sick or tolerant superintendent confident but confidant noun see "ant" "ence"
ANT - tolerant confidant noun see "ent"
EN - envelope ensemble entrepreneur sounds like "o" but envelop verb
ENN - biennial perennial centennial
ENT - confident dependent independent belligerent repellent pre-eminent Those are adjectives but these are nouns: correspondent superintendent ingredient see "ant"
EOUS - righteous hideous gaseous piteous beauteous bounteous but bountiful plentiful
EPI - epistle episode epilogue epidemic epitaph epilepsy epigram
EQU - see QU
ER - adviser calender machine colander strainer kerb pavement but curb restrain drier roster alabaster propeller armourer cajoler computer condenser controller convener customer flabbergast traveller condemner protector defender character commuter resister cruiser drier conveyor banister artillery sergeant see "ar" or "ur" and "re"
Some countries spell English words differently from others and follow different dictionaries. Some publishers spell words differently from others and use different style books. This book mainly follows the English of the United Kingdom, Collins and Oxford dictionaries and the style of Fairfax Publications. It was compiled while the author was being employed for 12 years as a journalist sub-editing newspapers for Fairfax. Word processing software checks spelling differently from one country to another. Choose either of two spellings for yourself, unless you are employed to follow a style book.
ESCE - effervesce acquiesce coalesce fluorescent
ESQUE - grotesque burlesque picturesque
ESCENT - adolescent effervescent convalescent incandescent
ET - ballet ricochet sounds like "A"
ETTE - brunette leatherette usherette suffragette cigarette statuette maisonette flannelette marionette etiquette cassette briquette silhouette palette painter but palate mouth pallet platform quartet quintet
ETTO - falsetto interpret
EU - queue feud pneumatic euthanasia European Eurasian eugenic eucalyptus therapeutic pseudo pneumonia euphoria euphemism eunuch eulogy manoeuvre leukaemia lieutenant sounds like "U"
EUR - amateur secateurs connoisseur restaurateur pasteurise voyeur ensure sure insure insurance policy liqueur chauffeur grandeur coiffeur but coiffure
EVAL - medieval primeval evaluate coeval but evil carnival
EW - drew grew chew crew nephew sinew mildew pew brewery sewage waste sewerage pipes threw stone but through door sounds like “U”
EXTRA - extract extradition extraordinary extrapolation extraterritorial extravaganza
F - wharf loaf wife wolf knife life calf thief half myself shelf leaf sheaf Dwarf, hoof and turf are exceptions to the following rule.
Words ending with "f" form their plurals by changing the y to "ves", except dwarfs, hoofs turfs see "ves"
FF - cliff staff puff tariff traffic bailiff plaintiff tiff terrific pontiff sheriff paraffin proffer but clef if and of
FID - confide fidelity infidel diffident affidavit
FLECT - reflection inflection genuflection deflection not the "flex" alternative
FOLI - foliage defoliate portfolio
FORT - effort comfort forte
FS - chief chiefs roof roofs cliff cliffs grief griefs handkerchiefs proofs gulfs hoofs dwarfs turfs but safe safes fife fifes strife strifes plural and strives verb.
FUL - fulfil fulfilment jugful spoonful skilful joyful pitiful successful playful plentiful fearful wonderful wilful fulcrum fulsome artful hateful rueful woeful woefulness but woefully
FULL - full fully fullness fully fledged fullback woefully
FOR - forgo forbid forswear forfeit forensic foreign forbear
FORE - before foregather forestall foretell forego foregone foresaid forefathers foresight foresee foreshadow foreshore foremost foreman forebears ancestors "fore" means before.
G - gnat gnaw gnome gnash reign sovereign gnarled campaign champagne impugn feign phlegm silent "g" digest fugitive refuge refugee subterfuge register giraffe legitimate privilege contagious gymkhana congeal gelatin gently genius indigenous ingenious exaggerate suggestion legislator genealogy generate general genuine progeny gin belligerent gauge sounds like "j" gibe sailing but jibe mock see "dg"
GE - noticeable changeable manageable courageous replaceable traceable allegedly exaggeration
GH - laugh hough enough trough sounds like "f" or is silent high weigh caught neigh dough plough thought bought taught might right bough haughty fraught fought nought thought sought
GRAND - granddaughter granddad but grand duke grand duchess grand duchy
GRI - grizzly bear grizzly grey grisly terrifying
GUE - guess guest tongue plague rogue catalogue guerilla soldier but gorilla ape
H - honest shepherd wharf wharves ghost scholar hour dinghy boat Fahrenheit gymkhana rhyme rhythm exhaust aghast ghastly rhumb geometry rhino rhinoceros rhubarb catarrh vehement dinghy boat verandah yoghurt vehicle heir hour honour John exhibitor haemorrhage khaki annihilate cholera chronicle whet ghetto scholar chromium Silent "h" see also "ch"
HAE - archaeology haemorrhage haematite haematology haemorrhoids haemorrhage Keep the "a" in "ae" words to be consistent. see "ae"
I - "i" endings zombi taxi ski alibi corgi fungi alkali ravioli khaki alumni stimuli radii cacti yogi safari chilli foci frangipani shrub see Y
IAC - zodiac maniac
IAN - Indian Alsatian magician physician
IBLE - edible flexible legible convertible corrigible corruptible crucible digestible fallible horrible eligible accessible avertable collapsible accessible comprehensible contemptible defensible discernible divisible extensible gullible compatible impassible indelible indigestible tangible irresistible illegible intelligible persuasible reversible susceptible vendible terrible ostensible feasible deductible forcible irreducible irresistible indefensible permissible see "able"
ICAL - cubical radical practical
ICLE - article particle cuticle cubicle vehicle domicile radicle seed but radical ideas
IE - quiet sound but quite very diesel lie lieutenant in lieu birdie golf spiel talk believe niece siege die but dye colour achievement hieroglyphics hierarchy proprietary
An "i" goes before "e" except after "c" for a sound of "ee". Exceptions are receive ceiling room but sealing glue see "ce"
Change a final "y" to "i" before adding any suffix except "ing". try tries tried married marriage flying fly flight or insect flies verb or plural Exceptions are shyness dryness slyness slyly
IFIC - terrific horrific scientific honorific but honour see "efy"
IFY - identify terrify vilify see "efy"
II - taxiing skiing radii
ILLY - silly filly
ILY - readily satisfactorily see “arily”
IOR - superior inferior exterior interior
IOUS - curious cautious vicious gracious rebellious conscious contagious bilious conscientious pious
IOUR - behaviour saviour
IQUE - unique boutique technique oblique antique physique but communique sounds like "K".
IR - bird stir firm fir tree virtue virgin irksome elixir affirm confirm firmament infirmary infirm third thirst first infirm
IRI - iridescent delirious
IRRI - irrigate irritable irritant
IRR - irradiation irrational irreclaimable irreconcilable irredeemable irrefutable irregular irrelevant irreparable irresistible irrespective irresponsible irreverent irreducible "ir" often means "not".
ISE - surprise surmise enterprise apologise advise arise compromise devise despise demise disenfranchise exercise disguise franchise merchandise premise revise supervise sensitise criticise civilise naturalise patronise baptise characterise dramatise tantalise bastardise memorise
IZE - prize size capsize Although the Oxford Dictionary may give "ize" as an alternative ending to some words, use instead "ise".
Dictionaries in the United States tend to favour "ize" endings.
IT - exit orbit ambition circuit initial transitory repetitive elicit response illicit illegal
ITY - unity ability reality verbosity atrocity obesity falsity infirmity affinity
JAM - jam traffic fruit jamb door
JUR - injure jury juridical jurisdiction jurisprudence jurist juror Jurassic conjurer see "dur"
K - "C" at the end of a word is never doubled; add "k" instead: talc talky mimic mimicked picnic picknicker bivouac bivouracked panic panicky colic colicky traffic trafficking zinc zincked zincky but public publicly music musically cubic Other letters that are never doubled at the end of words are: k, h, j, q, v, w, x and y.
KN - Silent "k" knee knit knack knap knapsack knave knead kneel knell knelt knew knickerbockers knickers knick-knack knife knight knitting knob knock knoll knot know knowledge knuckle knacker
LE - gentle gently able ably incredible incredibly Words ending in "le" drop the "le" before adding "ly". huddle amble hurdle indelible couple tumble see "el"
Read and follow the spelling rules as you come to them. Some rules have many exceptions. So it helps to group and learn exceptions separately.
Words ending with a single vowel followed by a single consonant usually double that consonant when a suffix beginning with a vowel is added: slip slipped slippery beg beggar begged plan planned planner fit fittest fitting omit omitted travel travelled travelling kidnap kidnapping kidnapped foggy mist but fogey fussy
Exceptions: bus buses gas gases and some spellings in American English.
These next words are spelled without doubling the last letter because they do not match that rule: fast faster fastest brief briefer briefly fitness fitful despair despairing depart departed deferment
LIG - alligator ligament ligature oblige obligation religion
LL - enrol enrolled enrolment libel libellous crystal crystallise tranquil tranqillise tranquillity instal installation instalment instil instilled instillation travel traveller jewel jewellery jewelled but appealed travailing naturalise boiled civilise nationalise symbolyse travelogue congeal congealable then all bell hill toll null llama pull but pal nil sol music
Dictionaries in the United States have overcome the LL rule by always spelling the ending with ll, such as enroll install instill. See "ise"
LI - liquid liquefy liquor liqueur liquorice liquidate
LO - loose knot lose money loan noun lend verb loathe verb loath adjective loathsome
LOGUE - dialogue catalogue
LUC - means light: lucid elucidate translucent
LUMIN - illuminate luminous
LUS - allusion collusion
LY - truly severely wholly woolly
LYSE - paralyse catalyse analyse
MAL - malady malaria malediction maltreat malinger bad
MARI - maritime marine marihuana marionette Marist marital but marriage then maize corn but maze labyrinth and minute time, tiny and summary
MB - Silent "b" see BM
MEDI - Sound "ee" median media mediate mediator mediocre mediocrity medium but mead drink then sound "e" medic medical medicate medicinal medicine medieval meditation Mediterranean
MN - Silent "n" autumn condemn column hymn damn damned but damming evidence solemn solemnly but solemnity not silent dam river
MORE - Adverbs which end in "ly" have "most" or "more" before them instead of ending in "er" wise more wisely most beautifully more severely but early earlier
N - Silent "n" see MN. net not nett nought zero naught nothing
OCK - hillock wedlock mock paddock hemlock bullock hammock but havoc
OGUE - analogue catalogue decalogue dialogue epilogue monologue prologue
OUGH - cough enough throughout drought dry
OID - rhomboid mongoloid
ON - Singular "on" and plural "a" automaton automata criterion criteria phenomenon phenomena
OPTI - optically optimism optician option but optometer device and metre length
OR - anchor solicitor bachelor competitor governor professor aggressor agitator abet abettor acceptor acceptor accumulator adjudicator administrator ancestor arbitrator auditor aviator benefactor chancellor collector metaphor accelerator bisector calculator carburettor castor compressor detonator coordinator co-operator contractor constructor conjurer confessor conductor compositor commentator alligator ancestor auditor hallucinator councillor shire counsellor adviser creditor survivor erector investor impostor corroborator radiator detector equator projector ordinance law ordnance military see "er" "ar" "ur"
Adjectives never end in "or". They end in "er" or "est".
ORAMA - panorama cyclorama
ORY - advisory hallucinatory
OS - Latin plural ending "os" pesos broncos rodeos commandos albinos tobacco cabelleros tiros calypsos cameos casinos concertos contaltos crescendos curios embryos falsetos tangos discos chokos folios cameos octavos solos provisos pianos photos radios dynamos magnetos quartos cantos oratorios altos ratios dittos silos torsos zeros hobos pros ghettos infernos manifestos Romeos archipelagos innuendos salvos patios tempos limbos jumbos rhinos generalissimos but only singular sago polo ho hello gusto bingo hitherto Velcro lotto loco but lingoes dingoes rhinoceroses
OES - See OS.
OUR - our sour grapes source place but sauce food neighbour neighbourly see "sau" but drop the "u" in humour humorous honour honorific honorary generous generosity vigour vigorous four forty forty-four labour laborious glamour glamorous
"Our" is spelled "or" in the USA . So colour is spelled color there.
OUS - see OUR famous anonymous callous person but callus skin camouflage see US
OW - dowry dowager endow endowment renown
P - Silent "p" empty psychology consumption glimpse raspberry cupboard corps army corpse body receipt psalm coup sapphire
PSEUDO - means false pseudonym pseudo-classic pseudo-vector
PNEU - pneumatic pneumonia
PARA - paramount parapet paranoia paraphernalia paramedics paratroops parachute paradise paraffin paradox paragraph parakeet parallel paralyse paramilitary paraplegia parasite parasol
PED - Means foot biped quadruped impediment pedestal pedestrian pedicure pedometer pedal bicycle peddle sell pedlar hawker centipede millipede impede
PY - pygmy pyjamas pyramid pylon pyre
Words that sound the same but are spelled differently: pallet cargo palate taste palette artist peace treaty piece bit. A spell checker program cannot tell the difference.
PR - prophecy noun prophesy verb premises house premise logic premises plural principle rule principally principles principal chief and money peninsular land peninsular adjective
PH - "F" sound telegraphic graphite hieroglyphics asphalt sapphire prophecy metaphor but foetus foetal foe
PHY - physical physician physique chlorophyll asphyxiate
PLOY - ploy employ employs employed employer employee
Words ending in "y" preceded by a vowel, keep the "y" before any suffix: pay payer paying day days gayest layer laying sayer saying Exceptions to that rule: daily laid said paid unpaid
PROPA - propane propagate propaganda
QU - racquet or racket liquorice lacquer liquor mannequin burlesque picturesque conqueror grotesque etiquette coquet verb coquette woman mosque torque soliloquy iniquity soliloquy obloquy oblique opaque queen quite very quiet hush
QUAD - Means four quad quadruplet quadruple quadruped quadratic quadrant quadrangle quadrinomial quadrillion quadrille quadriplegic but paraplegic
AQU - Means water aquatic aquarium aqueduct aqueous
EQU - cheque adequate equation equality equity equal equanimity
RA - racket extortion noise and bat or racquet tennis raise higher rase erase raze burn
RE - reissue reincarnation reiterate reinforcement theatre ogre massacre fibreglass metre litre centre manoeuvre meagre calibre fibre timbre tone timber wood
Most words ending in “re” are spelled “er” in the USA.
ER - Dropping "e" disaster disastrous remember remembrance fiber fibrous register registry
RETRI - retribution all others "retro"
RETRO - retrograde retrogressive retrospective retroactive retrocede retrovirus
RHOEA - diarrhoea logorrhoea
RHY - rhyme rhythm rhyolite rhyton but algorithm
ROW - row boat row noise
S - Silent “s” viscount isle island aisle church puisne
Same sound different meaning staunch true stanch stop story tale stories storey house storeys house stationary still stationery paper sew clothes sow seeds suit clothes and law suitable suite rooms
ES - gas gases class classes box boxes churches rushes aliases marquises losses focuses indexes carcasses buses but alkalis Add "es" after "s" "x" "ch" and "sh".
SE - SY - CE - CY - Change the "c" in a noun to an "s" in the verb: licence license but licensee device devise prophecy prophesy practice practise council counsel
SIS - Change SIS to SES for plurals: axis axes analysis analyses basis bases hypothesis hypotheses oasis oases parenthesis parentheses synopsis synopses thesis theses
SAU - saucer saucy saucepan sausage sauerkraut saute Saul sauna saunter Saudi Arabia sauce food but source place
SAURUS - thesaurus tyrannosaurus stegosaurus stylacosaurus centrasaurus but dinosaurs
SC - scissors plebiscite resuscitate susceptible scythe discern conscience scent fascinating luscious fluorescent conscientious crescent conscious sceptic sceptre scenario scene scenery adolescent silent "c" after "s"”
SCH - Silent "h" school scholar scheme schedule schizophrenic schism
SION - cohesion conversion occasion compulsion procession illusion mansion collision confusion admission
SO - sol music soul spirit sole shoe fish only
SU - suave suede persuade suite
SUR - surrealism surcharge censured surprise surgery surveyor
SS - press hiss grass truss pass possession puss cat but pus boil as gas yes his this plus bus thus us is was has and tones loves spades
SYN - synoptic idiosyncrasy synchronise synod synagogue syndicate syncromesh synonym syndrome syntax synthesis synthesizer
SYM - symbol symptom symphony sympathy symmetry symposium
T - Silent "t" hasten moisten often listen thistle glisten jostle soften kitchen catch match ratchet tsar tsarism tsarist tsetse fly tsunami
TCH - batch etch itch t
TE - forte ballet ricochet beret
TED - knit knitted end ended mend mended blended defended gilded girded but then "ed" is dropped after "t" and "d" for past tense: cast shred shed spread sweat thrust bet quit
THERMO - heat thermal thermostat thermonuclear thermometre
THR - threshing grain thrashing beat
TIOUS - repetitious conscientious cautious
TR - ambidextrous disastrous
UM - A - Singular “um” plural "a": datum data memorandum memoranda stratum strata curriculum curricula bacterium bacteria addendum addenda erratum errata maximum maxima minimum minima sanatorium sanatoria medium media spectrum spectra but possum possums circumstance triumph consumption vacuum
UI - biscuit circuit pursuit nuisance bruise genuine guinea cruiser suit cuisine
UR - recur excursion incur curve curb curvature barbiturate nurturing adjourn journal journey sojourn
US - Nouns ending in "us" having adjectives ending in "ous": fungus fungous mucus mucous humus humous adj phosphorus phosphorous genus singular genera plural. See OUS
When "us" is singular and "i" plural: focus foci fungus fungi nucleus nuclei radius radii stimulus stimuli terminus termini tumulus tumuli apparatus
VES - lives loaves selves leaves knives halves elves calves shelves thieves wives wolves loaves ourselves shelves sheaves wharves but dwarfs hoofs turfs see "f"
VORE - carnivore herbivore
W - Silent "w": wrap wretch wraith wreck wright wrench wrest writhe wrought awry sword answer wrath wrathful wroth wreath write wrinkle wriggle wrist wrong two who
WARD - upward backward toward forward ward untoward
WE - welfare welcome welter racing weather warm but whether if
WRIGHT - shipwright maker cartwright playwright but copyright
X - See EX and ECT
Y - When a singular word ends with a consonant and "y", change the "y" to "i" and add "es" to form the plural: lady ladies lily lilies phony phonies pony ponies gypsy gypsies presbytery presbyteries so abbey abbeys money moneys donkey donkeys attorney attorneys
When "y" sounds like "i": anonymous oxyacetylene rhythm asphyxiate crystallise cynicism gymkhana hieroglyphics physicist breathalyser paralyse handyman tyres car tire weak dye dyeing colour but tie tying die death dying lie lying vie vying handicrafts vice bench vice evil
YL - acrylic nylon vinyl oxyacetylene
YSE - paralyse analyse Spelled with "ze" in the USA.
ZZ - jazz dazzle grizzly drizzle fizz fuzz
Other double letter endings: ebb add odd egg inn err purr butt push cigarette
Learning to spell well saves time in writing. It reduces typing errors and time spent editing. Learning to touch type helps too. Learning grammar is necessary. All that lets you concentrate more easily on the subject you are writing about. It makes you a better writer.