To resize a window and read a page better, press the CTRL + or - keys, or just press + or - without pressing ctrl. It depends on the browser.
Press the square icon in the top corner to make the window smaller. Then drag the <> sign on the side edge to narrow the window more and shorten the lines of text so they are easy to read.
The html body tag for width sets the minimum width for the window.
The style tag sets space between the lines of text, making them easier to read. Change the style tag to 150%; style="line-height:150%".
The class=big tag puts more space between the lines of body text, making them easier to read. It works with Firefox browser but not with Brave or Luakit.
A big tag at the top of the body with an end big tag at the end of the body makes all the text in a page bigger and easier to read, while keeping text and headings in proportion.
A bigger type face is easier to read; type font size=4.
Setting the body text to Helvetica instead of the default font does not make it easier to read; Helvetica font.
This metatag tells a browser how to show a web pages on the small screens of a mobile phone: meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0".
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